Having a whale of a time - again! Members of Southampton Philharmonic Choir have again teamed up with members of Southampton's Bluesky Natural Voice Choir to join in the fun of the Spymonkey's Moby Dick at the Theatre Royal, Winchester (26-28 February 2010). Having already taken part in the Southampton and Portsmouth shows, we can attest to the Birmingham Post's claim that it “Must be the funniest show on any stage in Britain at the moment”. Spymonkey is a comedy theatre company based in the UK but with an international reputation. Founded in 1997 they have performed all around the world. The current touring production of Moby Dick sees the four actors in a hilarious mis-telling of this epic story. SPC is one of many local choirs who have been invited to participate in the production. Spymonkey believe that “it's also a lovely way to promote local talent and garner the community spirit”. Last chance to see the show before Spymonkey take it to Finland! For performance times and ticket prices, see the Theatre Royal website.
14 years 11 months ago