Past Concerts

The Anvil, Basingstoke

Saturday, 25 November 2006 - 7:30pm

The Venue Performing Arts Centre, St Swithun’s School, Alresford Road, Winchester. The venue is just off the M3 and there is on-site car parking. Visit Directions for car travel and parking details. Accessibility: Some seats have wheelchair access and there is a Loop System for “T” controlled hearing aids. Guide dogs are welcome. Please inform the Box Office staff of your requirements when booking.

Saturday, 17 June 2006 - 7:30pm

Tickets: £25, £20, £15 and £10 (concessions available) and £5 (for seats in the North Nave Aisle, with partial or no view). Concessions: over 60s - £1 discount; students, children, unemployed and disabled - half price; carers accompanying wheelchair users - free; group concession - buy 10, get 11th ticket free. Tickets on general sale from 25th January from the Cathedral Box Office - tel 01962 857231, Box Office

Saturday, 18 March 2006 - 7:30pm

Turner Sims Box Office 023 8059 5151 Box Office

Saturday, 17 December 2005 - 7:00pm

After the concert there will be a collection on behalf of charities supported by Councillor Edwina Cooke, the Mayor of Southampton. The Mayor has chosen Leukaemia Busters as her main charity during her year of office. Leukaemia Busters was set up 15 years ago to search for a cure for leukaemia. Many new developments in the treatment of leukaemia are being explored and research being done by Leukaemia Busters is making an important contribution. In addition to this charity, the Mayor is also hoping to support other small local charities that may require funding.

Saturday, 3 December 2005 - 7:30pm

Box Office: 023 9282 4355 Advanced booking recommended Tickets: £8, £12, £15, £18, £20 Concessions: Over 60s - £1 discount. Disabled, students, unemployed, young people (13-16 years) - 50% discount. Children aged 12 years and under (accompanied by an adult) - £1. Carers accompanying wheelchair users - free. Group concessions: 10 or more people, save 15%. Accessibility: Wheelchair users have full access to all areas of Portsmouth Guildhall. Toilets are available in the Basement Level, accessible by lifts.

Sunday, 26 June 2005 - 7:00pm


Piano Concerto No 1

Sir Peter Maxwell Davies

The Kestrel Road

Karl Jenkins

The Armed Man - A Mass for Peace (Choral Suite)


Academic Festival Overture

Guildhall Box Office (023) 8063 2601 Group concessions (023) 8083 3612

Saturday, 12 March 2005 - 7:30pm

£7 (concessions available) Accompanied children free (tickets required)

Saturday, 18 December 2004 - 7:00pm

Brahms Song of Destiny,
Tippet Negro Spirituals from A Child of our Time
& Beethoven Coriolan Overture, Prisoners' Chorus from Fidelio,
Final movement from Symphony No. 9, the Choral Symphony

Friday, 26 November 2004 - 7:30pm


PDF of flyer

Tickets available through Ticketmaster or from the Box Office, 023 8063 2601.

Saturday, 8 May 2004 - 7:30pm
